
- Each ml. contains
- Buserelin l.P : 20 µg
- Domperidone B.P : 1O mg
- Propylene glycol LP : Q.S.
Introducing for the first time in the world
A High Quality and Very Effective Fish Hormone (GnRH). For More Reproduction and Quality Fish Fry Production & Enhance More Harvest in Fish Culture
- Sudaprim is a potent ovulating / sperm forming agent which optimizes reproduction in many species of fishes.
- Sudaprim ensures high predictability of ovulation with high egg count, fertility and viability.
- Sudaprim also induces maturation process in fishes.
- Sudaprim is a quous solution, so easy to administer.
General Features & Benefits
Sudaprim is a liquid, peptide supplement that is used:
- To compress the spawning season
- To coordinate spawning times
- To increase milt production in males
- Safely and with predictable results.
- Sudaprim contains an analogue of Buserlin (GnRH), the native peptide found in most teleost fish . Also it contains a dopamine inhibitor that is required in many cultured fish species.
- Sudaprim is a peptide supplement that is delivered in an inert vehicle.
- Sudaprim comes in a formulated concentration that can be used in any size of fish.
- Sudaprim will begin to induce maturation immediately (species dependant) after injection for fast results.
- Sudaprim utilizes the fish's own endocrine system to safely induce maturation and coordinate spawning dates.
- Sudaprim can synchronize and coordinate maturation in treated fish by significantly advancing maturation without affecting viability or fecundity
- Sudaprim has been tested and proven effective in many species of carp fish, cat fish, salmonids and several other cultured species.
- Sudaprim is also available in the form of implants. Each cartridge contains 24 implants.
Injection :
Spawning Hormone for Fish
- Stimulates milt production for a longer period and for greater volume.
- Moves fish forward in the spawning season.
- Maximizes reproductive potential in all spawners within a population.
- Conserves genetic material in a population, between populations or in endangered stocks.
- Coordinates maturation during the normal spawning season.
- Spawns a population in a shorter period of time.
- Moves offspring through life stages as a tightly-packed group according to spawning date.

Composition :
- Each ml. contains
- Buserelin I.P : 20 μg
- Domperidone B.P : 10 mg
Indications :
To induce spawning in Carps, Catfish and many other species of fishes.
Presentation :
75 mcg, 150 mcg & 250 mcg.