Spawnpro Marine

Introduction Spawnpro Marine
Spawnpro Marine for the first time in the world for use in marine fish farming. High Quality and Very Effective fish Hormone (sGnRHa). More Reproduction and Quality Fish Fry Production & Enhance More Harvest in Marine Fish Culture.
- Spawnpro Marine is a potent ovulating / sperm forming agent which optimizes reproduction in Marine Fish.
- Spawnpro Marine ensures high predictability of ovulation with high egg count, fertility and viability.
- Spawnpro Marine also induces maturation process in Marine fishes.
General Features & Benefits :
Spawnpro Marine is a liquid, peptide supplement that is used :
- To compress the spawning season .
- To coordinate spawning times.
- To increase milt production in males.
- Safely and with predictable results.
Product Description :
- Spawnpro Marine contains an analogue of salmon GnRH, the native peptide found in most of the Marine Fish.
- Spawnpro Marine is a peptide supplement that is delivered in an inert vehicle.
- Spawnpro Marine comes in a formulated concentration that can be used in any size of fish.
- Spawnpro Marine will begin to induce maturation immediately after Injection for fast results.
- Spawnpro Marine utilizes the fish's own endocrine system to safely induce maturation and coordinate spawning dates.
- Spawnpro Marine can synchronize and coordinate maturation in treated fish by significantly advancing maturation without affecting viability or fecundity.
- Spawnpro Marine has been tested and proven effective in many species of Marine Fish.

Injection :
Spawning Hormone for Marine Fish.
Benefits :
- Stimulates milt production for a longer period and for greater volume.
- Moves fish forward in the spawning season.
- Maximizes reproductive potential in all spawners within a populations.
- Conserves genetic material in a population, between populations or in endangered stocks.
- Coordinates maturation during the normal spawning season.
- Spawns a population in a shorter period of time.
- Moves offspring through life stages as a tightly-packed group according to spawning date.
Composition :
- Each ml. contains
- Salmon Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Analogue : 20 mcg
- Propylene Glycol IP : Q.S.
Indication :
To induce spawning in all Varieties of Marine Fishes.
Recommended Dose & Administration Method :
Before injection:
Sedation for handling : Some time sedation is require for proper handling of the fish and to avoid its movement during injection. Avoid contact of anaesthetic with eggs or milt.
Dosage :
General dose of SPAWNPRO Marine is 0.5 ml per kg body weight of fish. Dose may be vary among species and location.
Female Fish - 0.3-0.5 ml / kg
Male Fish - 0.1-0.2 ml / kg
During injection of spawnpro Marine :
Following points should be considered
- Cleanliness: Ensure that all equipments, collecting tank, syringes etc should be clean and if possible sterilized.
- Always handle gently to the fish.
- Always withdraw required quantify of SPAWNPRO Marine, withdraw trapped air from the syringe before inject.
- Hold fish firmly and insert needle firmly at the belly behind pelvic fin or in the muscles of either side. Inject SPAWNPRO Marine carefully. Gently place the fish in to container of fresh and aerated water.
After injection :
Generally fish require 5 to 10 minutes for recover. After that it can be return back to breeding tank. More than one fish may be induced at the same time
- Spawnpro Marine is packaged ready for use in liquid form. Precise amounts for individual injection can be extracted safely from the bottle directly into a syringe.
- Stability & storage : Store at room temperature (20-30°C) and out of direct sunlight, the shelf-life of Spawnpro Marine shall be 36 months.
- Safety precautions : Spawnpro Marine is a physiological agent used to stimulate ovulation or spermiation. Workers should avoid direct contact.
Keep out fo reach of children.
Presentation : 10m1 Vial.